Thanks to Lucy and Nat for running Le Challenge this year. When I look back through my blog posts it appears to be the thing that has kept me blogging this year. Like others my enthusiasm for Blogging has taken a dip but then I remember how precious online blog friends are and it keeps me going.
Cindy recently wrote a tutorial for a fantastic block when I was having trouble visualising how it was me that is very precious. Thanks Cindy, I've made a block already and in this picture stolen from Fluffy Sheep Quilting Blog you can see how the hidden stars appear.

And on to precious number two.....
Sarah is expecting Little Beany and so she had an online Baby Shower which you can read all about here on her blog Narcoleptic in a cupboard.
I thought Sarah would like a little happy cloud and so I made this from a tutorial on Refabulous Blog. It was easy to follow....though I did sew all those little strips on the wrong way up the first time...I should follow the instructions!